Dr. Eckart von Hirschhausen
Founder, Healthy Planet – Healthy People
Dr Eckart von Hirschhausen is a doctor, science journalist and founder of the "Healthy Planet - Healthy People" foundation. With his lectures, TV programmes and non-fiction books, he reaches a wide audience and provides lasting imputs for a healthy future. As presenter of the ARD programme "Wissen vor 8 - Erde", he explains environmental issues to a wide audience and highlights the connection between climate change and health in documentaries.
In addition to his work in the media, he is an honorary professor at the University of Marburg, an honorary member of the faculty of the Charité and advises the state of North Rhine-Westphalia on the Sustainability Council. As a member of the Club of Rome, he is committed to global sustainable development. His book "Mensch, Erde - Wir könnte es so schön haben" is a passionate plea for the careful treatment of our planet.