
FutureHealth Lausanne 2024

1st October 2024 | Lausanne

"To realise the true potential of digital transformation, we must take into account that the healthcare system is constantly changing." 

Moritz Hartmann, Global Head, Roche Information Solutions, Roche 

At FutureHealth Lausanne 2024, lively discussions focused on the future of healthcare innovation, access to capital and global collaboration. Switzerland, with its excellent infrastructure, leading hospitals and talented professionals, is in a strong position to pioneer advances in health. "Switzerland is ideally suited to capture part of the market aimed at empowering longevity with vitality and potentially have a positive impact on healthcare cost." Prof. Patrick Aebischer, Senior Partner, +ND Capital & President Emeritus, EPFL 

However, moving beyond traditional care models is essential. The focus must shift to treating patients before they get sick, using data-driven tools, AI, and personalized approaches to improve care quality and accessibility. At the core of it all is the patient. 

We need companies that dare to live to faster innovation and that’s why Sabine Bruckner, Country Manager, Pfizer Switzerland says: "We support startups if they want to bring new solutions to the market." In addition to this, Linn Mandahl, General Manager, AbbVie Schweiz, noted the importance of early access and sustainable financing system for pharmaceutical innovation: “Only then it's an investment and not just costs.“ 

Accessible data and smoother coordination among providers will play a key role in shaping the future globally. While Switzerland is poised to take the lead, global disparities in healthcare highlight the need for international collaboration to ensure equitable access to innovative care that not only saves lives but also improves them. "Everybody needs care and everybody needs to care." Kallol Mukherji, Debuty of Health Program and Lead of Digital Health, Terre des Hommes 

Beautiful memories! Here you can find all photos of FutureHealth Lausanne 2024!


Photos of the FHL24